Personal or online counseling

33 000 Ft66 000 Ft bruttó



Hi, I’m Peter Jones, Business and Personal Development Coach, Kinesiologist and Businessman. I have built the second largest Airbnb company in Hungary, and my company is still active, with 30 employees and 148 apartments. I have gone through many emotional and financial difficulties in the last 18 years and I can help you with the experience I have gained during this time.

I already had companies in 4 countries (Japan, Spain, Dubai, Australia) and currently in Hungary, so I can provide useful training and unique coaching in small and large businesses. I have given group and individual coaching to thousands of people, which I really enjoy, because it always gives me a very good feeling when I see them change or develop in their private lives, at work or in the field of their businesses.


​Consulting fee for one hour: HUF 33.000.-

​Consulting fee for one and a half hour: HUF 49.500.-

​Consulting fee for two hour: HUF 66.000.-

SKU: N/A Category:


In the last six years, I have been contacted in these areas:
– Achieving financial independence
– Airbnb and hotel management (I have coached more than 2,000 people in this field)
– How we can advance from 1 apartment to several apartments
– Book publishing and marketing (because I have my own publishing house and am the author of 12 books)
– Sales (How we can increase our income by up to 30-100%)
– Self-development (What internal obstacles slow down the inflow of money?)
– Path to happiness – (How we can live a happy, balanced life)
– Finding inner balance at home or at work
– Defining and achieving goals
– Overcoming obstacles and the influence of childhood emotions
– Positive thinking and attracting good energy
– How can we attract happiness in our lives?
– How do we allow money to flow in?

  I will be happy to meet everyone in person in downtown Budapest at my hotel (, or online via ZOOM, or at other locations if required (in such cases for an additional fee).

Additional information


Airbnb, Business, Loan, Real estate, Life Coaching, Company system, Organisational Coaching, Money seminar, Other


1 hour, 1.5 hour, 2 hour